Symposium Bände
You can also order the books directly from the Theodor Hellbrügge Foundation.E-mail: info@hellbrueggestiftung.de
Interdisziplinäre Versorgung von Kindern mit Fluchterfahrung
Interdisziplinäre Versorgung von Kindern mit FluchterfahrungMit psychoedukativem Gruppenkonzept für Eltern Culture- and trauma-sensitive parent coaching to support and successfully integrate younger children in particular after their experience as refugees.In the age
Frühdiagnostik und Frühtherapie bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
Although autism spectrum disorders are currently receiving a lot of attention, the diagnosis is often made late. This book focuses on providing support as early as possible - from infancy
Das Kind von 0 bis 6
The first part provides a comprehensive overview of the pregnancy phase through to the birth. Frequently asked questions from parents are addressed and tips for parents-to-be are given. The second