Interdisziplinäre Versorgung von Kindern mit Fluchterfahrung

Interdisziplinäre Versorgung von Kindern mit Fluchterfahrung

Interdisziplinäre Versorgung von Kindern mit Fluchterfahrung

Mit psychoedukativem Gruppenkonzept für Eltern



Culture- and trauma-sensitive parent coaching to support and successfully integrate younger children in particular after their experience as refugees.

In the age group from 0 to 14 years, almost half of children with refugee experience have a mental illness, 30% of which have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As part of a cooperation project, an interdisciplinary consultation for children with a refugee background (ISKF) was developed by pediatricians, psychologists, child and adolescent psychotherapists and child and adolescent psychiatrists.

Based on this successful concept, the authors have developed a manual with extensive background knowledge, checklists and psychoeducational documents for parents (groups) of 3 to 6-year-old children. Taking into account cultural differences, priorities and particularities in relation to raising children, the discussion templates in simple language and illustrations provide an informative but low-threshold approach with clear statements on child health aspects.

On the one hand, case studies draw attention to possible pitfalls that can arise due to a lack of knowledge or disinformation during initial encounters, treatment and integration. On the other hand, the authors point out the potential and skills of families with refugee experiences in order to use them for living and integrating together. The main aim is to recognize developmental delays in children in good time and to achieve inclusion and participation as early as possible in order to successfully integrate children with experience of flight and migration into society.




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