Die ersten 365 Tage im Leben  eines Kindes – Die Entwicklung des Säuglings

Die ersten 365 Tage im Leben  eines Kindes – Die Entwicklung des Säuglings

The book “Die ersten 365 Tage im Leben eines Kindes – Die Entwicklung des Säuglings” (The first 365 days of a child’s life – the development of an infant), which was produced alongside a 17-part television series on Bavarian television, informs parents about the development of their infant. It consists almost exclusively of illustrations.

From the contents:

What you should know about infant development, developmental disorders and early treatment,
what abilities the infant has in the individual months of life and how it behaves: in the newborn period, in the first month, in the second month, in the third month…,
how the infant’s most important functions develop: Crawling, sitting, walking, grasping, perception (perception and comprehension), social behavior, vocalizations, language comprehension,
how my child develops in the first year of life.
Parent diagnostics have been used internationally

The parenting book “The First 365 Days of a Child’s Life – The Development of the Infant” has been distributed all over the world and is still being distributed. This book has been translated into more than 35 languages.

You can also order the parents’ book directly from the Theodor Hellbrügge Foundation.
E-mail: info@hellbrueggestiftung.de